Bush Fire outside Balladonia
Speaks for itself.
Somewhere in this picture is 5 emu.
I had set the alarm clock to wake up at 7.00 am but for some reason it went off at 5.30am. So unbeknown to us at the time we got up, had breakfast and packed up. We where ready by 7.00am.
Between us and the next major town was over 700km's of road. Including 146.6 km's of road which is completely straight. Now we have been keeping an eye out for all these animals that we are supposed to be careful of and so far we have seen nothing. Until today.... we saw five emu crossing the road outside one of the roadhouses. We think that Australia has no animals.... ha ha ha.
Well there is nothing between Eucla and Norseman, anything worth seeing is only accessible by 4 wheel drive, so that counts us out. However we did pass two bushfire's outside Balladonia Roadhouse. We had stopped for some drinks and I asked the guy whether the "clouds" was a storm or bushfire. His response was bushfire, however it was 80km's away. I then mentioned the one on the same side as the roadhouse further along the road, he was not aware of that one. Scary......
Anyway passed through the area without incident and eventually entered Norseman. I am sure that it is a lovely little place but the flies are terrible. They are everywhere. Thank goodness for our fly hats. The heat is also unbearable. 44 Degrees today. You guys in the UK come and get some!
We are in our tent and will look around the town tomorrow, but I don't think that we will be staying another night. So tomorrow, who knows where we will end up.
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